1. Altogether, students at Liberty High scored below the county and state average in reading proficiency. However, 24.59% were reading at mastery level compared to 23.78% at state level. Only 8.89% scored above master and 1.40% scored at the distinguished level.
2. Students need to engage in more individual reading in which they are responsible for the material they have read on their own. Students in my class read as a group, which allows the students who are comfortable with reading to participate and those who are not to sit back and simply listen.
3. Jennifer Howerton, 9th grade English X Marks the Spot strategy
4. Cues, questions and advance organizers. Students can be specific about what they're trying to understand.
Providing feedback. Students give feedback throughout the reading process that the teacher can give feedback about after the process.
Reinforcing effort. Students generate their own learning process throughout the activity.
5. How can students better comprehend information they have read?
6. --an interest survey style questionairre asking students about their attitudes about reading, their strategies for reading and their interests and needs in reading.
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