Monday, February 7, 2011

Where I'm From Photo Story


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your digital story reminded me of...the conflict of my own family, and this feeling of not really having a true 'home'.

    Your family is different /or/ similar to mine because...similar, child of a divorced couple is never fun, at least I hope I figured that right from the poem. lol

    If you were to do this story again you should...
    Here are my only two complaints. The font being black is hard to read against some of the pictures, so you may want to change the font color to make them pop. Also, considering the length of lines, you may want to extend the length of time the photos are displayed. I had a hard time reading some of them before it moved on. Very easy fixes!

    What I liked best about your story is...I'm poetic, but I was not feeling inspired on mine. Yours is quite poetic, I enjoyed it quite well. I also enjoyed the music.

  3. Your digital story reminded me of - being back home, riding four wheelers and having fun! :)

    Your family is different or similar to mine because- country living, with the four wheeler riding all all the home cooked food!

    What I liked best about your story is how you told your story so well with the poetic text.

  4. Your digital story reminded me of...growing up with you all the way from good old 5th grade through high school.

    Your family is different /or/ similar to mine because...both different and similar--my childhood wasn't as much the country living as yours seemed to be, but loving to be outside is definitely similar (especially the kayaking =))

    If you were to do this story again you should...maybe separate some of the slides with longs lines of text. It seemed kind of short overall and left unfinished...but maybe with the combination of the last line that's the intention?

    What I liked best about your story it left me wondering about where your home is at the end. Not everyone feels connected to where they're from, and I respect that about your photostory.

  5. Your family is similar to mine because there is conflict in my family as well! Although I think this is true for most families, and the others just don't admit it. What I liked the most about your story was your music! I really like that song, and I thought it fit well. The only change I would say, would be to agree with a couple of the other people, and allow some of the images to remain longer, just so you can read all of the text! Don't want to miss anything!

  6. You want a powerful and honest poem! Your images were nicely chosen to reflect the meaning behind your poem. I agree with the other comments that the text sometimes interfered with your images. I love the mood your music conveyed however I think the lyrics took away from the power of your own words! It enjoyed it anyway!

  7. I'm meant to say you "wrote" a powerful and honest poem. Sorry!

  8. Your digital story was well constructed. The music went along with your images perfectly. I had only one trouble, it was hard to read all the words on the image.
